After half an hour walking they hear an engine buzzing. They squat and see a German Halftrack stuffed with Grenadiers heading down a white road. A road sign tells they're heading the unknown town of Al-Mohad...

They choose to follow that road, and in a couple of hours they get to a small village. On a slope, some excavations have been done, and some Egyptian manufacts lay under the dust.

Getting near to the town, Vanni wears an Afrika Korps uniform and tries to infiltrate the village.

Walking down the town, he sees that no more than twenty soldiers holding the garrison; but there's something strange: a german soldier is keeping a door closed with an heavy wooden table... he looks freaked out.

As he walks past a hall, he meets a DAK soldier. Something goes wrong and the soldier doesn't believe his identity, so he takes Vanni to his Sergent.

Vanni is scrutined, and finally deemed a traitor.

He is put in the platoon's jail, Captain Volkenhauer will judge what to do with him.

In the small Jail, Vanni finds some very sick captives, but among them two are ok: a French amateur pilot, and mr. prof. doctor Montana Stone!

Vanni greets Stone, and they decide they will try to escape as soon as the guard will be distracted. Doctor Stone is the man who sent the message, as he's heard that Capt. Volkehauer is putting together some devastating weapon, and he's doing it right here, right now. Montana was captured and forced to work on an archeological excavation, where he found some strange canopy vases...
Meanwhile, the others understand that something went wrong, and they decide to plan an attack.
Claire, covered by the mobsters and the Cowboys will blow a house up on the left flank to create panic and confusion. LRDG and the Maquis will storm the right flank.

Claire sets the C4...

And the commandos prepare for the attack.

The house blows up.

Gary gets to a garrisoned house, nobody seems to notice him.

He pops a granade in the room, and cleans it properly.

Am MG-34 on the rooftop starts singing, and both Adam and Isaac are badly injuried. Doc Elias arrives too late. Adam is dead, and Isaac is disappeared.

Claire's flank is dangerous, so Totò and Tony redeploy. Totò and claire prepare themselves to welcome the DAK troops who will get to the area of the explosion to find out what's going on. Tony goes after the the LRDG, Sophie and Bertrand to help. As he gets there, they get into the big house.

Chaos and confusion is at its top, the DAK run through the dusty square to find out what's happening...

But Claire and Totò welcome them with intense SMG fire.

Nervous and stressed, the guard leave his place in the jail...

And so Montana Stone, Vanni and the French Guy (who got a Tommy gun somehow) manage to break lose and step in the Topolino (the small green sport car).

AS the LRDG go further to clean houses, Bertrand, Tony and Claire search the misterious big house... and THREE MUMMIES crawl out of doorway!

Tony and Bertrand can't stand the horrible sight, and they fall on the ground mumbling and trembling. Sophie keeps her nerves, pulls Bertrand away and starts shooting the undead... at first she does nothing, but then, a well-place bullet from her Sten hits the mummy right in the head, and it goes down.

When learned, it's an easy trick, and the stone cold beauty takes all the mummies down.

DAK soldiers are routing, and the LRDG takes position in the houses round the square.

The freedom fighters greet Vanni and Montana, they salute the French Guy, a good comrade, and they interrogate the four captives.

Suddenly Isaac appears from somewhere, they thought he was dead, but the bullet was stopped by the bible he always keeps on his heart. That guy really cheated death...
The secret is uncovered... Capt. Volkehauer kept this secret base to carry on his experiments, and tried to reproduce the mumification techniques of the ancients, with the dream to revive the dead and create the ultimate Vergeltungswaffe, the Retaliation Weapon. As he found the site of a tomb judged cursed on the ancient texts, he kidnapped dr. Stone to lead the excavations. Under the earth, covered by millennia of dust, he found the canopy holding the brains of a cursed mummy. The canopy had been somehow able to preserve a terrible virus, able to turn men into LIVING DEAD!
This is the Retaliation Weapon, something able to disrupt humanity as we know it, something able to turn our worst nightmares into horrible truth!
The road to stop Volkenhauer is long and tough, but know the Order knows his name, and the Order won't let him cause a devastating holocaust.

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