Koenigsberg and Wallenstein, once soldiers of Volkenhauer, now his deadliest foes.

The aircraft is hit by AA fire, and the landing spot is missed. The party must drop out, and they find themselves somewhere in the fields near Veghel...

The party lands scattered around, and Gary finds himself terribly near a bunch of German soldiers.

Hi throws a grenade around the corner. The grenade scatters, but the German grunts flee in panic.

Tony and Isaac drop in a wood facing the Farm. As soon as they touch ground, an MG opens fire from the house, and Tony is wounded...

Howard, Vanni and Elias land behind the farmhouse, near a ruined shack. The landing is soft, and the three soldiers in the shack are engaged and caught by surprise.

one of the killed soldiers has a precious Panzerfaust, quickly taken by Vanni.

Sophie joins the group, putting up a small defense in the shack.

Robbie, dropped quite far away, is engaged in a shootout with a Kraut. None seems to prevail...

The German garrison get into the farmhouse, putting up a defense and waiting for reinforcements. The MG-42 and the SMG-armed soldiers try to stop the party with automatic fire. Claire, Sophie, Totò and Tony shoot them from all-around, and quickly the party softens the enemy defenses.

The party advances in leaps, but in the confusion nobody can see Tony. They cannot stop to look after him, they need to clean the farmhouse first. Totò runs through the road and finds a safe spot by the outward wall.

Montana and Koenigsberg run through he wood, but the Archaeologist is reached by an MG-bullet. No way, the house must be cleared right now!

Ltn. Maxwell does what is needed, when is needed. He climbs into the house and blast away the last Jerries with a well placed grenade lob.

The party manages to get into the house, waiting for Robbie and Tony who are still somewhere outside. They try to study the maps, find out where they are and how can they get to Volkenhauer's cove. But a noise catches their attention. It's a large diesel engine! More enemies are coming... and there's a Tiger with them!

The house isn't safe anymore, an 88 could punch through it like nothing. So the party splits: some go behind the house...

Some go North, trying to prepare an Ambush with the captured Panzerfaust.

The Krauts advance carefully, covering the advance of the tank...

The ambush group waits patiently, then tries to draw the infantry's attention shooting out some enemy. The Tank proceeds to eradicate the enemy infantry, but as soon as it crosses a small hump, Montana sees a soft spot in the monster's tough hide. So he grabs the Panzerfaust and punches through its armor!

The tank is burning, the Germans fall back, and when everything seems to be at its best...

A new reinforcement squad reaches the battle theater! Deluded and frustrated the party needs to run away, without the possibility to find Tony and without the ease to study the maps. Everybody runs through the wood, hoping to remember the right way, and hoping to find all the comrades at the randez-vouz: Volkenhauer's hideout!
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