They carry away some book found in his secret chamber and a specimen of the deadly virus.
As they get out of the underground they hear far away the noise of artillery pounding Veghel. They decide to destroy the bunker and the pillbox in order to seal and conceal the lab keeping it safe.

They move on to Veghel in order to join some allied sector.
Cautiously moving through the woods on the south of the canal, they meet abandoned farmhouses, they spot some German patrol, and finally they get to see a village where a bunch of civilians are running away from a dozen of living dead!

No one could know better what is to be done, and so they fire from distance, aiming the head. Bullets scream in the evening air, and more zombies are attracted.
Tony, Vanni and Totò are charged by a couple of Z's shambling out of a burnt shack. The hand to hand combat is creepy as just one scratch could turn infect them!

Gary jumps over a fence, spreading some lead on the walking corpses...

Doc Elias is nearly attacked by a zombie, but he manages to take him off with a point-blank shot with his faithful Smith and Wesson.

The party eventually manages to control the Z's and to stop more from arriving... the civilians are safe, and they welcome their saviors in their house.

The party comes to know that German troops are retreating to the East, in the Rhine region. During the night there has been a massive moving around, and only a few patrols remain roaming this area.
The civilians tell the party there is a group of partisans, stuck somewhere along the canal, hidden in a small village. The party comes to know the position and the secret signal to contact them, knocking on the door with a rhythmic pattern.
The party gets to the village, as described, and it seems to be quiet.
They recognize the house described before,

they knock on the door with the secret code, and they meet the partisans. They are few, but they have a radio, and they are ready to fight the invader.

As they are talking, a German halftrack comes rattling in the square. Claire notices through the window the German patrol approaching.

They seem to be looking for someone, searching house to house. And, along the way, they are taking all the food they can find, leaving to civilians with nothing to eat.
The party and the partisans decide to attack them to steal the SdKfz and the food, and to know who are they looking for and why.

The party gets out of the house, and deploy all around the town to catch their foes from all sides.

Robbie and Claire try to ambush the German patrol, shooting from and abandoned house's window.

The manouver is somehow incorrect, though, and Sick Robbie and Doc Elias find themselves exposed with noone to cover them!
The firefight is harsh, and Robbie is shot to death by a sudden burst from an unseen enemy!

Doc Elias runs to save him, but it's too late. The English commando lays dead on the floor. Gary finds himself with no comrade left. This war has taken a heavy toll on the party!

Eventually, the party manages to win the German team, and find themselves with an Halftrack filled with looted food, something that can come very handy in these difficult times.

There is a survived German soldier too, he is Sergent Fritz Meyer, he finds with no companion in a stranger land, and starts to tell everything to the able torturer Tony...

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