This professor Stone is a friend of the Order and if he thought it was wise to inform the illuminati, this means something bad is happening. Moreover, mr. Stone is missing, and nobody has news about him. So the Order has put together a bunch of braves to rescue him. For this service everybody will get something...
The Maquis, french resistance. They've been promised goods and helps for their fight against the Nazis. They are useful as North Africa is still mostly French Speaking.
Sophie, the trio leader. She's an aspid, a rabid fury of insurgency, fighting the invading enemy wherever it lurks (ok, she's a cool nerved smg-armed doll).

Claire, the explosives expert. During the day a normal waitress in a bistrot near Mont-Martre, during the night a fighter for French Freedom.

Bertrand, the knifeman. Alcoholic, strange, violent. The right arm of Sophie, blond and ice-eyed, bertrand is quick and ferocious at close quarters.

The Mafiosi, italian mobsters. To infiltrate the italian army, the Order needs some italians, and these come from Sicily. What do they get from the job? the Nazis are spoiling the mafia's businnes in south Italy, and a well placed invasion could put everything back as it used to be...
Tony Twistelli, boss of Sicilian Mafia.

Vanni Pizzuto, born of a Sudtirolerin (german-speaking Italian from the North), Vanni is a perfect spy. He speaks fluently Italian, German and French, and his pale complession can pass as Arian with no prloblem.

Totò DiMauro, a muscular sunnovabitch; pimp, gambler and brawler, the right arm of Tony.

The Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) - these guys have been ordered to lead the other nine to Zuara.
Ltn. Maxwell is a desert fox, and has a weak spot for Frecnh Women... it didn't take much to Sophie to get his attention...

"Sick" Robbie, expert in sneaky actions, carries the smoke granades and uses an american M1 Carabine. He likes SA rifle, he said once, and nobody can make him change his mind...

Howard Cork, a fatty gunner on his 40's. He is a dumb ass, but he can do miracles when he handles an MG...

The Order's fighters - sent by the order to coordinate everything.
Reverend Isaac McCormick. A silent, strange old-dressed shadow.

Brother Adam Quigley. He's the best shot of the order, with his winchester he can shoot quick and deadly from the distance.

Brother Doctor Elias Rogers. Famous for his horse-back surgery; one hand heals, the other kills.

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