Montana, Sophie, Bertrand, Howard, Robbie ad Elias decide to get nearer, and then find a good place to wait for the other members of the party.

As they see some German trooper in the defensive emplacements, Vanni decides to go and spy the situation. He wears the DAK uniform and goes for a close look.

As he walks to the bunker, the other Freedom Fighters arrive from the North... the group is now at its full!

Vanni manages to play his part, and the German garrison welcomes this strange-looking Afrika Korps Kamerade. They are few, and evidently nervous.

The attack starts, and to draw the attention, Sophie, Montana, Wallenstein and Koenigsberg start shooting at the pillbox. Some SMG fire responds quickly, and Koenigsberg is sent to Valhalla.

Quickly the fire intensifies, and the weak pillbox defenses are torn apart.

In the large bunker the Germans prepare to react, firing in the wood. Vanni behaves normally, and he pretends to lend a hand to the Kameraden.

Attracted by the shooting, some reinforcements arrive, it's an MG-team ranking up behind the pillbox.

As nobody looks at him, Vanni slips out of the bunker, leaving behind him a couple of grenades!

Only a soldier survives the horrible blast.

In front of the pillbox, Robbie covers the advance with some smoke grenade, putting a strong smokescreen between the party and the MG.

The party runs to the pillbox.

Vanni tries to draw the MG attentions, hoping his uniform will prevent the Germans from shooting him... "there's a traitor!", he screams desperately, with a strong Southern-German accent... they seem to believe him.

But as the MG turns back to the smokescreen, Montana and Totò jump out and kill the team with deadly precision.

Can anybody remember the survived soldier in the bunker? Well, he's back, and willing to make the traitor pay... he gets out of the back door, and shoots Vanni right in the back...

...the italian spy falls on the ground.

But Sophie is already on the spot, and tears the Kraut apart with her faithful Sten.

Vanni suffered just a flesh wound, and recovers quickly.

Totò reaches the empty pillbox, and finds a hatch similar to the one on the bunker's floor.

Everybody get in the bunker, there's a hatch, it's open, and it leads to the dark creepy cove of Volkenhauer!

The group split... the Maquis, Tony, Vanni, Elias and Montana descend the bunker's hatch, finding themselves in a humid, badly lit subterranean room.

The LRDG, Isaac and Totò get into the pillbox hatch. The room is smaller, but as well dark and humid.

On the bunker side Vanni goes first, exploring the underground corridor that opens in front of him.

On the other side Robbie does the same...

... quickly followed by the rest of the group.

Vanni waits on the corner, and he comes to face a German toe to toe!

With a quick reaction he takes him out, and then another, just around the corner!

On the pillbox side a firefight breaks out with some SS soldiers, they are armed with the fearful STG-44... Isaac manages to make his foe duck back...

And then Gary takes him out with a grenade, cleaning the room.

Back on the bunker side, more Jerries get out of the room, seriously wounding Vanni and stunning Montana.

Tony turns the corner and takes out one of them, while Bertrand jumps over the comrade's bodies trying to reach his foe with his axe.

He hits him with a wild swings, and the German, unbalanced, falls on the ground.

But the Kraut gets up again with a lightening reaction and stubs Bertrand to death!

Claire and Sophie, careless of their own safety run forward to avenge Bertrand's death.

On the pillbox side the party gets into a strange room, with four openings. Two of them are closed with heavy metal doors.

A whiz from the north door, like an electric engine working. Then, slowly, the south door opens... the party recognize quite soon the horrible silhouettes of the living dead... it's a trap!

On the Bunker side Tony sees something moving in the dark, he shoots... but it was Robbie! The two parties re-join, but Robbie is bleeding on the ground due to friedly fire!

In the small room things get hot as the party tries to push back the shambling horde.

Soon everybody's in, and someone tries to open the North door. Vanni has been cured by doc Elias, who's only got one first-aid kit left...

The zombies are gone, but there's something strange with Howard... he's badly wounded, and some horrible slime is oozing from one of his wounds. Quickly his officer Ltn. Maxwell disarms him and puts him on the ground. "Do it, Lieutenent... do it..." moans the English private. Gary knows what needs to be done, and takes his buddy out with a generous Webley headshot.

Vanni picks the lock of the North door, leading to another room. On the South wall there's a lever, evidently used to release the zombies. Another door on the North.

Sophie, Claire and Gary get into the now empty Zombie-cell. They found a badly concealed hole, leading to some deeper level. They choose to get down.

They get into a small room, leading to a large warehouse, where a bunch of highly trained Jerries are waiting for them. Sophie falls on the ground...

The party tries to force the block, and one after another they are put down by the Germans' intense fire! Isaac decides he's had enough and runs in, Smith and Wesson blazing. In a single move, he manages to take out two Germans, but he's hit by a ricocheting bullet.

The party swarm in and Doc Elias puts his boss on a wooden table to cure his wound. But it's too late. Isaac's last act of heroism was generously paid with his life.

Everybody's sadness is washed away in a few seconds, as a mass of zombies is sighted coming from the eastern corridor. This time they are really too many!

Everybody grabs a piece of furniture and puts it on the opening. The party tries to hold back the zombies, but they are so many... who knows how long is it going to last?

Suddenly the Archaeologist's acute senses feel a quick cold air current coming from the western wall. He gets nearer, and he finds a secret door!

With the help of the maquis he manages to get it open.

This must be Volkenhauer's hideout!

The worn and dirty tabels are covered with books full of strange theories and studies.

In the warehouse room things are getting desperate, as the zombies are pushing really hard!

Robbie explodes some M1 shots to keep them quiet, but more and more are coming!

Then, in the secret room a shot rings, and the door opens. Volkenhauer lays on the ground, a Luger smoking on the floor, and his brains scattered all around. Behind his body two huge glass vials...

Those must contain the deadly virus! The mission is completed, Europe is safe! The World is safe!

Suddenly a radio transmission breaks the static. In the Virus room comes the sound of distant voices, transmitting from far-away places...
"Station fourteen, Belgrad. The virus has been released, Over"
"Station twenty-one, Rome. The Virus has been released. Gott mit uns! Over"
"Station eight, Paris. The virus has been released, Over"
"Station sixty-five, Eindhoven. The virus is out. Over"
Mesmerized, the freedom fighters listen to over fifty transmissions, reporting the release of the terrible scourge from North Africa to Balkans to the very heart of Europe. Untold, or unknown by Der Strom, a hundred subterranean stations hid in former Reich-controlled areas, ready to spread the plague. The party's minds are twisted by the enormous scale of Vokenuaher's plan. Europe is lost... North Africa is lost, and maybe the whole world will follow them soon...

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